Tuesday 1 November 2011

coursework lesson - lean (by gemma)

Following completing our copied assessment film. Today we had to get back into our groups and begin to evaluate our film. We had to watch our film back and give it a mark out of 60, what was our strengths and weaknesses, tick boxes on the level of accuracy of camera work, editing and how appropriate our film was with the sub genre and the target audience and also give it a level (either level 1,2,3 or 4.) Me and Jess both decided to give our film a level 3, a mark of 42/60 and we gave ourselves a 2nd to highest mark on the level of accuracy, camera work, editing and how appropriate our film was. We also decided that our strengths were that we didnt go over the 180 degree rule aswell as the continuity. We decided that our weaknesses were the location chosen and the composition as we didnt have enough room to move the camera also we made the mistake of leaving an object in the background of a shot which could be seen in the film.

After this we got given a sheet. The sheet was for us to go around each individual in the class and collect data about their preferred sub-genre of horror film, how they took part in the making of the copied assessed film (if they shot it/edited it), what mark they gave their assessed film and what its strengths and weaknesses were.

After collecting the data we could see who wanted to do the same sub-genre, this made it easier for us to choose our groups. We then got to have a talk. Me, Jess and Kirsty all wanted to do ghost/demand or statanic/possession. So we decided to work together for our coursework.

We then had to brain storm/mind map what we would expect to be seen in our sub-genre of film, which is ghost/demand. We had to think of costume, makeup, sounds, type of actors, lighting etc. We also shared a few of our idea's we had for our coursework film.

We now have the ongoing job of having a look at a variety of films from our chosen sub-genre to get a basic idea on the general concepts of the genre and films. This will untimatley help is with idea for a film plan and also give us some inspiration.

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