Sunday 30 October 2011

Jess's Evaluation

1. Use of the Camera:
Our finished clip does show that I can hold a shot steady, with the use of a tripod and positioning it correctly. It also shows that I can frame a shot properly, leaving enough head space and sticking to the rule of thirds appropriately. The camera doesn’t jolt or move when it isn’t supposed to, showing that we know how to use the camera correctly when filming. A variety of shot types are included consisting of close-ups, mid shots and wide shots. The shots are used effectively in the finished piece as there are no obvious jump cuts between shots and the shots include all that we wanted to in the frame, although a larger variety of shots could have been used. The composition flows well and everything in the shots are placed well although in a few shots you can the laptop in the background which we were using to compare the original piece to ours.
2. Use of Editing:
The rules of continuity have been applied to our finished piece as you can tell as we have cut some shots down which were too long and not needed to make it flow more smoothly and fit with the next shot. We edited it using IMovie and this allowed us to see where some shots jumped to the next one and where we needed to change the continuity. There are a few jumps in the finished piece but they are not major and do not confuse the audience. One of the jumps occurred because we didn’t stick to the 30 degree rule at this point simply because there wasn’t enough space.
3. Selection of Content:
The costume, make-up and props for the film all could have been improved. The make-up was done simply using make-up and not face paint which probably would have shown up better on the film. The costume for the scary character in our film should have been full black as this would have created a scarier effect. Props were not the most important element in this film, a few things we could have included would have been the ripped up book and the blood in the bath. All of this comes down to limited resources. The location and setting for the film was appropriate although the location could have been bigger to make the filming easier and more like the original film. The actors were appropriate also as they stuck to what they were supposed to be doing although some of the acting could have been a bit more convincing.
4. Self-Assessment:
In this production piece, I didn’t do much of the filming. I helped in positioning the camera and did the characters make-up and sorted the costumes. Me and my partner both did the planning and editing together, discussing which part of the film we thought we should recreate and writing it down shot by shot. We decided which parts of the film we didn’t need and edited it together on IMovie. To improve this piece, I would have planned it better and spent more time actually filming the piece to make sure it is correct and the continuity flows well. I would also make sure I have the correct resources to make the film look more convincing such as face paint and better costumes. In the final coursework film I will take the above into consideration and will contribute more in the actual filming of the piece.

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