Sunday 20 November 2011

Kristy Simpson - IMDb

                 The Ring 2002

Males 71,285 7.2
Females 15,524 7.2
Aged under 18 1,477 7.2
Males under 18 992 7.2
Females under 18 477 7.4
Aged 18-29 52,581 7.2
Males Aged 18-29 41,950 7.2
Females Aged 18-29 10,349 7.2
Aged 30-44 28,070 7.2
Males Aged 30-44 23,914 7.2
Females Aged 30-44 3,842 7.3
Aged 45+ 4,625 7.0
Males Aged 45+ 3,863 7.0
Females Aged 45+ 693 6.7
IMDb staff 18 7.2
Top 1000 voters 752 6.9
US users 26,789 7.2
Non-US users 57,574 7.2
IMDb users 107,437 7.2
From this graph we can see that MALES AGED 18 - 29 are watching and commenting on the ring the most.
I think the target audience for The Ring was mostly females from under 18 because they gave it the highest rating although only 477 voted.
You could also say that it was aimed at the male population in general as 71,285 rated it and gave it a 7.2, which isn't the lowest rating on there. 
You can see that the older the people are the ratings go down.

             The Grudge 2004

Males 35,854 5.7
Females 8,320 5.7
Aged under 18 786 5.9
Males under 18 513 5.9
Females under 18 269 6.1
Aged 18-29 26,815 5.6
Males Aged 18-29 21,195 5.7
Females Aged 18-29 5,510 5.6
Aged 30-44 14,182 5.8
Males Aged 30-44 11,974 5.8
Females Aged 30-44 2,082 5.8
Aged 45+ 2,361 5.9
Males Aged 45+ 1,933 5.9
Females Aged 45+ 404 5.5
IMDb staff 9 6.4
Top 1000 voters 566 5.6
US users 13,641 5.5
Non-US users 29,454 5.8
IMDb users 53,448 5.7

From this graph we can see that MALES AGED 18 - 29 are watching and commenting on The Grudge the most. 
The Ring and The Grudge are quite similar films.
The highest rating given to this film was 6.1 and was rated by Females under 18 but only 269 Females under 18 voted.
What is quite weird is that on this graph Females 45+ gave it the lowest rating, this also happened for The Ring.
The target audience for this film I think is people, both males and females, under 18 because they've both rated it quite high. Also I found that although males aged 18 - 29 were the people who saw and voted the most, they didn't give it a very high rating. 
Also out of all the age categories the more males voted than females.

        Paranormal Activity 3 2011

Males 10,290 6.3
Females 2,564 6.6
Aged under 18 1,159 6.7
Males under 18 834 6.7
Females under 18 304 6.8
Aged 18-29 8,817 6.6
Males Aged 18-29 6,975 6.6
Females Aged 18-29 1,746 6.6
Aged 30-44 2,532 6.1
Males Aged 30-44 2,083 6.0
Females Aged 30-44 419 6.7
Aged 45+ 445 5.4
Males Aged 45+ 355 5.4
Females Aged 45+ 87 5.7
Top 1000 voters 57 5.6
US users 4,340 6.5
Non-US users 6,018 6.3
IMDb users 13,256 6.4

From this graph we can see that, again, MALES AGED 18 - 29 are that majority of people  than have seen and rated Paranormal Activity 3 the most. 
Again Females under 18 rated it the highest, they gave it 6.8. 
The target audience for this film I think was people under 18 because they gave it a rough rating of 6.8/6.7 which is the highest ratings on there.
As the voters got older, the less they liked the film.

             Insidious 2010

Males 33,029 6.8
Females 7,689 6.9
Aged under 18 1,950 7.6
Males under 18 1,362 7.6
Females under 18 576 7.5
Aged 18-29 26,468 7.0
Males Aged 18-29 21,064 7.0
Females Aged 18-29 5,207 7.0
Aged 30-44 10,890 6.6
Males Aged 30-44 9,191 6.7
Females Aged 30-44 1,582 6.6
Aged 45+ 1,585 6.4
Males Aged 45+ 1,274 6.4
Females Aged 45+ 282 6.8
IMDb staff 8 6.1
Top 1000 voters 259 6.5
US users 10,749 7.0
Non-US users 24,947 6.7
IMDb users 42,428 6.8

We can see that the majority of people who saw and rated this film were 
MALES AGED 18 - 29.
This time the males under 18 gave the film the highest rating, 7.6.
I think it was aimed at people under 29 a these were the people that gave them the highest ratings. 
This time Females aged 45+ gave it a 6.8 whereas Males aged 45+ only gave it 6.4 (the lowest score)

             The Awakening

Males 302 7.2
Females 91 7.7
Aged under 18 28 8.0
Males under 18 17 8.2
Females under 18 11 7.4
Aged 18-29 214 7.3
Males Aged 18-29 159 7.4
Females Aged 18-29 54 7.1
Aged 30-44 112 7.3
Males Aged 30-44 95 7.0
Females Aged 30-44 16 9.0
Aged 45+ 42 6.1
Males Aged 45+ 30 5.9
Females Aged 45+ 10 6.6
Top 1000 voters 10 8.3
US users 42 6.7
Non-US users 308 7.3
IMDb users 417 7.3

This graph shows that MALES AGED 18 - 29 have seen and commented on this film the most.
The highest rating was 9 and was rated by females aged 30 - 44. Although females in this age range enjoyed it quite a lot more males in this age range went to see it and did't enjoy it as much. Also for all the other age ranges males voted higher than females so I think that the target audience is going to be older people, up to the age of 44.

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