Sunday 13 November 2011

Kristy Simpson Title Research

Kung Fu Panda

What institutional information are we given in the opening titles?
In the opening sequence we see the title, so we know it is about a panda. Also it shows us the panda in a, what we relate to as, a oriental/kung fu outfit. In opening sequence we don't get to see the pandas face, it is always shadowed by his hat, but we see that people fear him and that people want to fight him. We are shown "The Furious 5" who work as a team with the Panda. 

How is this presented?
There are no words throughout the opening sequence, except the title. There is someone narrating it, which gives it a comical sense, in the pictures they come across quite serious but the narration gives us the effect of comedy.
The animation is presented in a comic book style, everything looks like it has been drawn.

What visuals do we see? How does this relate to the genre?
We see that the panda is quiet and calm but very deadly. We see that hundreds of people try to fight him at once yet they are no match for him, he is the ultimate. He helps people, he is a hero. Other warriors bow down to him. There is lots of fighting, which matches the action genre. He is the good guy fighting the bad guys and he wins, just like all heroes do. 

What can you learn from this title sequence for your own?
To give information on the characters but not too give away too much detail, as this could ruin the movie. Make sure the images are relevant to my genre and story so the audience doesn't get confused. 

Blade II

What institutional information are we given in the title sequence?
In the title sequence we are told, by Blade, all about Blade. We know what he is and we know what he does, we also know what he wants to do and how the film is going to go. We know that the film is about vampires and therefore the genre is horror. 

How is this presented?
Blade is narrating the opening sequence, he is very serious in the way he speaks. Unlike Kung Fu Panda the title is at the end of the sequence, rather than the beginning. There are a few titles in the opening sequence, the distributors. They are in the colour red. Red represents blood (vampires drink blood, also blood spilled), danger and maybe even love (love for the guy who helped him control himself, who he couldn't kill, there might also e a romance.)

What visuals do we see? How does this relate to the genre?
We see a new born baby and them him a bit more grown up. We see lots of things happening but its quite dark so we can't exactly tell what he's doing. It looks like he is experimenting and making things. We see weapons, we know their will be fighting, which is action. There is also mention of vampires so we also know it is horror. 

What can you learn from this title sequence for your own?
The opening sequence needs to introduce the characters and set the rest of the story up. I like the way the director doesn't identify the main character, we never saw his face, i could use this in mine to give the element of surprise.

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