Monday 28 November 2011

Kristy Simpson - Inspirations etc

Our main inspiration for our film is the ring 
The inspiration was mainly the threat. The threat in our film will resemble the ring, in a way we are using the ring to promote our movie as The Ring has a reputation and is a franchise.
The threat in our film will be similar to the ring but not the same. We want the makeup and costume to be similar but obviously we won't be able to create The Ring exactly. 
We wanted to have the long black hair covering the face. When you see the face in our film the skin is very pale and dry, flaking off, just a general horrific look.

The story is also very much alike The Ring.
A girl is in the house alone, we see her mum go out. The audience can tell something is watching the girl because of the range of shots we will use to show this (such as the shot which is outside looking in from the top of the garden through a bush), the girl is not aware something is watching her. The girl goes upstairs and sits down when the light outside comes on, she leans out to see what turned it on but nothing is there, she waits until th light turns out and then she decides to forget about it so she turns around and the lights go out. The girls swears but doesn't panic too much, she grabs her phone and presses it too try and shed some light, stood in front of her is the threat. We can only see the threat by the light on the phone so it is quite dim. The last shot we see is the bloody smile, also known as the death smile which is where the name for our film came from.

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