Monday 14 November 2011

The ring and Insidious title sequence analysis - Gemma

The ring

What has happend?
In the first couple of minutes, the audience are introduced by a long/enstablishing shot to the setting. This is a huge, old house that we presume the threat is in. We are then introduced to the first 2 characters. They are young girls and the audience automatically connect with them. With the way the girls are acting, they are 2 teenagers having a sleepover. We are then introduced to the threat, which is some kind of tape that when you watch it you only have 7 days to live. The girls start talking about a mysterious tape, which makes the audience worried. The phone then rings and suspence is created. The audience is then took through a sequence of happenings, such as the tv turning on by itself, and the dissapearence of one of the characters. We then see what looks like blood on the floor, we immediatley think this is the threat and start to panick for the characters well-being. After the character opens the door, the character is then killed. However the 'thing' that killed the girl is still unknown. We are then introduced to 3 extra characters, i little boy, his teacher and his mother.

What do you think will happen next?
Personally, as a part of the audience, i feel like something will happen which includes the little boy. He is the most vulnerable and innocent, so my attention immediatley turns to him. Since the threat has been very outlined in the first scene of the sequence, the audience connect that with the boy. We think that the boy will watch the tape, and his life will be put in the balance. His mother is a more powerful character, even though she is a stereotypical women, and would usually be seen as the most vulnerable, because her child is young, he becomes the main target. However i think that the mother will end up solving the puzzle, and save her child.

How has fear been created?
Fear has been created by the threat of the unknown. The audience have no idea what happend to the female character, all we know about is this mysterious tape and that she was killed. The fear for the audience is also created by the age of the characters, because young characters have been used, the audience either (if are the same age) connect to the characters, and feel asis the threat could also come after them or (if the audience are older) will have maternal feelings for the character and will want to protect them.

Where is the set? How has it been lit?
The film is set firstly, at a huge old fashioned house. This is where all of the actions takes place. It has a dull, dim lighting which has a spooky effect.  The characters are in the house alone, which makes them even more vulnerable. And some of the lightening is created by the static of the tv, which is symbolic of the threat.

Do we see the threat/victim?
We do not see the threat, the audience represent the threat as the tape the characters talk about. This creates more atmosphere, and engages the audience more. We are also introduced to 2 victims, the young girl and the boy. These are both vulnerable, and one is killed.


What has happend?
All the audience see in the first part is a child in bed. Then the title sequences start. The visuals are very surreal. They are in black and white, and have red writing on top of each visual to introduce the actors names'. The contrast between the red and the black/white makes the red stand out more, red is often represented by death, hell, fire, danger and the devil. This makes the audience feel threatend. Also because the visuals are abnormal, the audience are confused, the non-diegetic sound is also threatening, and puts them on edge.

What do you think will happen next?
What is going to happen next is unknown, because the first visuals are so abonormal, the audience have no idea what is goign to happen. we know the genre is ghost because some of the visuals have objects moving on there own. However no characters are showed, except for the actors names. So the audience cant interpret what is going to happen.

How has fear been created?
The fear has been created by the surrealness of the visuals. The audience have no idea whats going on, they are being presented with visuals that are quite disturbing. Also the non-diagetic soundtrack is creepy and scary. This adds suspence to the sequence and makes the audience on edge.

Where is it set? How is it lit?
It is hard to tell where it is set. As there are many visuals put together. Each of the visuals are in black and white and are obviously dull. Each of the visuals seem to be in different parts of houses, however there is one scene where a boy is layed in bed, the lighting is dark, and side lit so that one half is in the dark.

Do we see the threat/Victim?
We dont really see much of either, in some of the visuals, there are some abnormal shaddows which may look like people standing over someone bed, and another is of a doll. The audience can interpret these as being a kind of threat. The only type of victim we see is what looks like a boy in bed. We see him as vulnerable and an easy taregt as he is young and in bed (asleep).

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