Sunday 13 November 2011

Gemma Jackson's title research,

"Criminal Minds"

What institutional information are you given in the opening titles?                                                      

The opening title sequence gives information about the characters who will be playing in the serials. The titles use a different but effective way to show places such as an office, street, lab etc where the serial will take place. It also uses sketches of people, piece's of newspaper etc to give the audience a clear way of interpretating the sequence. It also slightly outlines what the serial is about, crime and investigation.

How is this represented? (font/style)
It is presented in a format of a page, a person on one side and other images an another.When a different visual is shown, an another character is introduced (aswell as their name), the pictures around them gives the audience an idea about what they will be investigating, so immediatley the audience get to know the characters. The use of black background represents a seriouse atmosphere, it also makes the writing and pictures stand out more as its more of a contrast and the audiences' attentions are drawn straight to the important information on the page.

What visuals can we see? How does this relate to the genre?
We can see a variety of different im ages; som being images of newspaper, map, alphabet/number. These all relate to the genre, and gives the audience a very clear understand about what its about, crime and investigation. . The opening sequence in pretty short, howerver, even though it is short, the visuals are so easy to understand, you can easily interpret the information given and figure out the crucial information about the genre.

What can you learn from this title sequence for your own?
From the title sequence i have learnt to use detailed images, format and style to give the best understanding of my genre and to give a little bit of information to the audience about my characters to make them want to know more. Also to use a little bit of symbolic imagery to give the audience a little bit of variety. Since this title sequence was quite short, to make mine a little bit longer so that the audience get to see more, but without giving away too much detail.

"True Blood"

What institutional information are you given in the opening titles?  
The opening title sequence gives information to the audience about basicall life. Death, Living, Eating, Surviving. Some of these are more natural and abnormal, such as the decomposing animals and trees, a child eating blood, organs. others are more un natural such as the old hometown/pub. This could give the audience an idea about where the drama will take place, and also lets them interpret the genre.

How is this represented? (font/style) 
It is presented by using different images, it also uses a contract between black and white. It flicks from black and white (representing the past), and then to colour (the represent the present). Music and dialogue is also used to give away a little bit of the film. The phrase "i wanna do bad things to you" is used to show that the drama is going to include violence and hatred, this also is linked to the images used (blood, decomposing corpses'.The identification of the cast and crew is also incorperated into different, random slides of each bit.

What visuals can we see? How does this relate to the genre? 
The audience see alot of adnormal surreal visuals. This gives the audience an idea about the genre of the drama (thriller/gore). However this isn't clear as some of the imagen are very random and do not relate to this. So it could be very confusing for the audience. A large variety of images are used, this makes the title sequence interesting to watch, however doesn't give a clear idea about the title at first.As you watch more, it gets more clear when the addition of dead animals and blood.

What can you learn from this title sequence for your own?
I learnt to use alot of creative visuals and styles to make the title sequence interesting to watch, so it draws the audience in. However, i must be careful about using more random visuals as it could confuse the audience as it has no relation to the sub genre.

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