Monday 14 November 2011

Opening Sequences by Jess.

The Ring
The film begins with 2 girls talking about a tape which you die after watching, one of the girls then dies and her little cousin draws photos of her dying before its even happened.
I think that next in the film, something will happen with the little boy, possibly he watches the tape himself and defeats the curse that comes with the tape.
The fear has been created by the music and the fact that the girls are so vunerable. The girls clearly state their fears and they audience know they are worried and this creates suspense. 
It is set in one of the girls houses, and they are home alone, showing again that they are vunerable. The lighting it quite dark and so leaves question as to what is hiding in the shadows.
We see the threat - the videotape playing a few times and then he see the girl die. We do not know how she died, or what killed her, we just see the videotape playing. We see the victim - the girl alone as her friend disappears and we see her walking around by herself panicing as the videotape keeps playing by itself.

Sixth Sense
A couple are celebrating the man's success as a pyschological doctor, when they go upstairs to find the house has been broken into. A man, who is a previous patient of the doctor, says the doctor failed him and shoots the doctor and then himself. Then we see the doctor following a young boy into a church where talk for a while and it becomes clear that the boy is one of his patients.
I think next in this film, the doctor will work with the little boy and realise that he has problems that he cant help him with and he turns out to be the man at the beginning of the film who shots him. We learn his story and why the doctor 'failed' him.
The fear is created in the opening titles with the music - it is creepy and lets the audience know what genre the film is of. Also when the couple realise the house has been broken into, it creates fear as the audience and the characters don't know who's broken in, or why.
The film is set in the couples house and begins in the cellar. The lighting throughout the house is very dark and so creates a sense of unknown, anything could be lurking in the shadows.
We see both the threat and the victim in the beginning of this film. The threat is the doctors previous patient, we first see him standing in the couple's bathroom in his underwear shivering. We know he is a threat as we can tell by his actions that he is mentally unstable and then he points a gun at the doctor and shoots him. The doctor is the victim in this film, he tries to talk the patient out of doing anything silly, but he doesn't listen to him and continues to say he lied to him and failed him.

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