Monday 14 November 2011

Kristy Simpson - Film Opening Sequences

The Ring

What happens in the opening?
Two girls are having a sleep over, one of them has watched a film where, apparently, you die 7 days after watching  it. The girl dies,we don't see her die and we don't see the murderer. We are introduced to another family, with a young boy who draws pictures of people dieing.

What do you think will happen next?
The young boy has something to do with it. I think he will see the film and his mum has to try and stop the Ring before his 7 days are up.

How has fear been created?
We do not see the threat, it is a fear of the unknown. It is still a mystery to the audience. We sort of get an idea because the girls describe her but we do not see her.

Where is it set? How has it been lit?
At the beginning we see a lon shot which shows us a big house. We know that the opening scene is set in a big house, this is quite scary because its so big, and theres lots of places to hide. It is quite dim and there is also lightening. Whenever there is lightening in a film the audience assumes thta something bad is about to happen.

Do we see the threat/the victim?
We do not see the threat, which is good because the audience doesn't know what to expect, gives it the element of surprise. The victim in the opening scene is the girl who has watched the film, at the end of the scene the young boy comes across as the victim.

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