Saturday 19 November 2011

Kristy Simpson - Film Opening Sequence

The Orphanage

What has happened?
A young girl is doing something, we aren't sure what until the other children come into the shot. They are playing a game, we assume they are all orphans as they are in uniform and there is lots of them. An older woman/nanny takes a phone call and opens a folder with the young girls picture in it. She walks outside and says something, to me it sounded like a prayer. 
Then the titles are played, the titles are a child ripping wallpaper to reveal the names of he producers, actors, etc. The title of the film is displayed after the sequence. 
Then we meet a young boy who is calling his mum, it is night time, so I assume he was scared of something. The next morning they go for a walk on the beach to a cave. The boy goes in alone with a torch. The mum gets worried and follows him in, she catches him talking to someone but when she looks there is no one there, just footsteps leading away.

How has the fear been created?
The fear starts right at the beginning, when the girl is saying things and then looking behind her. When I first watched it i thought that she was scared someone was behind her but then i realised she was playing a game. 
The fear then starts up again when the young boy goes into the cave on his own.
It is a fear of he unknown because we don't know what to expect.

Where is it set?How has it been lit?
It starts off by showing us the house which the orphans live in. The house is brightly lit by the sunshine whereas the orphan in front of it is in shadow so we can hardly see her.  When the children are playing they play in the sunshine so we can see them all. 
The next scenes, which are of a family are very well lit. We can see them all, we can see there house, it is up until the cave scenes everything is lit appropriately. 
In the cave it is pitch black and the audience can hardly see anything. The boy goes in with his torch but it is still not enough light for us to see everything clearly. When the boy starts talking to an unknown someone the audience can't see anything.

Do we see the threat/victim?
Although the young girl from the very beginning is stereotypically the victim I believe she is the threat because in the beginning she was in a shadow so we couldn't see any detail but I think this also represented that she has a dark side. Also the children are running away from her, even though they are playing a game I still think it has a double meaning. Then the nanny looks at a folder with the young girls picture on it and says something, it sounds like a prayer.
The victim is the young boy. We can tell he is the victim because he is young and vulnerable. Also at the beginning he is calling for his mum because he is scared, then in the cave he talks to someone, no-one else can see who, so only he can see it.

How does the opening engage the audience?
The opening is very clever because it shows the little girl doing something but the audience doesn't know what, it makes you want to watch it and find out what she is doing. Also we want to know why the nanny has got the file out that belongs to the young girl and we want to see what is going to happen to the boy in the cave. 

How are the titles integrated into the sequence?
Institutional information is given at the beginning such as the distributors and production companies and then it shows a short bit of film, giving us a background on the house, then it goes through the titles and then gets to the film. The titles are separate from the film because whilst the titles are playing there is nothing happening that is apart of the film, just a young child ripping wallpaper off walls. 

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