Monday 21 November 2011

Title Research - Jess Freeman.

Dark Water

What institutional information are we given in the opening titles?

As soon as the film begins we learn that the production company is Touchstone Pictures. We then see a place and date (Seattle 1974) appear at the bottom of the screen as the action beings. We then see another date appear after a little girl isn't picked up from school on time. The date says New York 2005 and there is a grown up woman, suggesting she is the little girl who's mother didn't pick her up. About 4 minutes into the film, it is introduced properly, saying 'touchstone pictures presents....a pandemonium/vertigo entertainment production.....dark water'

How is this presented (fonts/style)?

The text is all in capitals and the font is quite an old style. The title Dark Water is mirrored and is emphasised more to show this is the title of the film. The dates and places and shown also in the same text, showing a pattern in the text used. I think the old fashioned writing puts an emphasis on the genre of film it is - a horror movie.

What visuals do we see? How does this relate to the genre?

The visuals we see are the young girl waiting in the rain for her mum to pick her up from school and then he playing a with a small instrument kind of thing. There is a close-up of the little girls face to show her frustration at her mother not being there on time. This relates to the genre because we see the young girl is vulnerable and we don't know what is going to happen to her, will her mum come to pick her up? Then we see a woman with arguing with a man in a lawyers office. I don't think this part relates to the genre very well as you can not tell it a horror film by seeing this part although it relates to the story line as they are discussing where the little girl should live.

What can you learn from this title sequence for your own?

From this title sequence, i have learnt to make sure i stick to conventions of my genre and make it clear what genre my film is. Also, engaging the audience is important, as I don't think Dark Water has done very well.


What institutional information are we given in the opening titles?

The film begins with 'New World Pictures' being shown 3 times in different colours, all blending into one. Then the action begins and at the right hand side of the screen it says 'Dunning/Link/Reitman present' ....' Marylin Chambers and Frank Moore in RABID' Other names also appear, informing the audience of the actors in the film. The make-up artist and designers are also mentioned, as well as music supervisors and writers etc.

How is this presented (fonts/style)?

This information is presented all in a yellow font, the main thing standing out is the title again, this being the only thing shown in capital letters. I feel however, that too much information is given at this part of the film which is not needed - such as make-up artists etc. The yellow colour doesn't suit the genre of the film, black or red would have been more effective to suit it.

What visuals do we see? How does this relate to the genre?

The visuals we see from the beginning are two people on a motorbike together going very fast down a road and then a family get their car stuck in the middle of the road and are aruging. I don't think that this relates to the genre at all and this seems like more of an action film judging from the bit i have watched. From watching the beginning of this film, I don't think the audience would be able to pick up that this is a horror film.

What can you learn from this title sequence for your own?

From this title sequence I can learn again, to keep to the point and make the genre of film obvious to the audience, as to keep them more engaged.

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