Tuesday 22 November 2011

Pitch Feedback - Gemma :)

Me and my group did our recorded pitch infron of the class.

We did pretty well! We got some good feedback on negatives and positives on our ideas. We also got some help from the class, we wasn't to sure whether or not to call our film 'Death Smile' After having a discussion with the class, we all decided that Death Smile was best suited name. We also discuissed:
-The opening sequence to our film
-What Films inspired our ideas
-Our title sequence visual ideas
-The film title
-How we will engage the audience
-Our target audience
-The age certificate of our film.
After fineshing our pitch, we went out of the room so our classmates could comment on what they thought about our whole idea.

Some of the positive feedbacks we go were:
  • We had lots of detail in our presentation
  • Our idea is very realistic
  • Our group had done alot of research, so we know exactly what we are doing.
Some of the Negative Feedback we got was:
  • The work load of our presentation wasnt equal
  • Our idea is very much like the film we got inspiration from (the ring)
  • We didn't have a clear specific target audience.
Following the feedback, our group has discussed about the negatives. We have decided to carry on with our idea even though it is alot like the ring, aslong as we don't copy frame from frame the film, we will be okay, its better to follow conventions rather than making a film that isnt specific to its genre. We have also talked about the target audience. We have decided that our film is for 13-18 year olds, as this age group can relate to our film better, and imprint on them which will make them feel asif they are in the film, and become more engaged.

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