Tuesday 22 November 2011

BBFC Research - Gemma

BBFC stands for 'The british board of film classification', it is a non government organisation and is funded by the film industry. The BBFC is a statutory requirment to classify videos, video games, DVD's and filmsn under 'The video Recording act'.

The BBFC rates unreleased films and video games to recommend which circumstances they are released in. Usually, the local authorities are legally able to do this, however they usually follow the recommendations of the BBFC. The BBFC use a system of certificates to rate each video, film and game, these are essentially age groups of which media is put in to, where people of a certain age can only view. People who are not older than an age certificate will not be able to purchase/watch the game/film/video etc. legally.
The Age Certificates are Grouped like this:

This is the Universal Certificate. All ages are permitted to view anything with this Certificate, nothing is unsuitable for children over the ages of 4

PG This is the Perental Guidance Certificate. All ages are permitted to view anything with this certificate, however some scenes may be unsuitable for children under the years of age. In The cinema, Children under the ages of 8 are to be companied by an adult.
12 This is the 12 age certificate. Nobody under the age of 12 may buy or watch films/DVD's/Videos/Video games etc. with this category. Films in this category may include infrequent drugs, infrequent use of strong language, brief nudity, discreet sexual activity, and moderate violence.
15 This is the 15 age certificate. Nobody under the age of 15 will be permitted to watch/purchase any type of media within this category. Media in this contain can include adult themes, hard drugs, strong language, moderate-strong violence/sex references, and mild non-detailed sex activity.

18 This is the 18 age certificate. Nobody under the ages of 18 will be permitted to watch/purchase any typer of media within the category. Films withing this category have no limitation on the use of swearing or harsh language used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and strong violence/sex references along with strong sexual activity is also allowed. Scenes of strong real sex may be permitted if justified by the context.

We have decided to have our film within the '15 Age certificate' Category. Pur film does not contain strong sex references or hard drugs. However our film will include the use of drugs, alcohol, horror and moderate strong violence. These may not be suited for younger viewers.

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