Monday 21 November 2011

Kristy Simpson Feedback from Pitch

Today me and my group pitched our ideas for our film to the class. In our pitch we included The title of our film. We couldn't decide what to call it but we had a few ideas, the class voted for death smile so out film will be called Death Smile. 
Our treatment: Two weeks after a family move into a new house strange things begin to happen, but when they realise what, its too late.
We introduced our ideas on our story and the opening sequence and explained what certificate and what target audience we thought it was aimed at.

We gathered various feedback from our pitch.
The positives I gathered were:

  • It was very clear and detailed
  • We gave lots of information
  • We are organised
  • Our idea is realistic 
  • We gave good examples and inspirations
  • They liked the title "Death Smile"
The negatives I gathered were:
  • The Ring (our main inspiration) is a lot like our idea
  • We were quite nervous when presenting 
  • Not everyone took part in the pitch
  • The clip was irrelevant (too long, didn't involve much action)
From this feedback we can see that the group liked our idea for our film, although it was very much like the ring. They thought it was very realistic so we probably won't change anything along the storyline, make-up, costumes or locations. 

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