Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 4&5 - Audience

When making a media product, it is extremely important to know who your target audience will be. Audiences can contain a varied amount of people, these people have different tastes and interests. Making a film that will appeal to a large audience not only increases the viewing of the film, but also the profit the film makes. The content in the film is what will attract your audience, people expect particular things to be included in different films called conventions. Including these conventions in your film will attract a particular audience as its what they expect. Overall knowing exactly who your target audience is gives you a guidline on what to include in your film to attract a large Taregt audience.

The Ring Two.
The ring two was released in 2005 and is a certified 15. 
Being certified a 15, the film will/may include strong violence, sexual activity, nudity in a sexual content, frequent use of strong language and strong threat. However some of these musn't dwell on pain/injury and must not be frequently repeated.

The IMDB user ratings:

For age difference's, you can see that the film most appealed to an audience of under 18's. As you go down, the age of the audience gets higher, the ratings decrease as the age increases, this suggests that the film mostly appealed to a younger audience.
For gender, overall the rates for females were highest, however the highest ratings were for males under 18. However the ratings for females were higher than males when it came to a older age.
Overall, the target audience for this film if deffinately a younger audience of mostly males.
The reason for this may be because the film does have a extreme thrilling nature to it and females may be more effected by it.

Insidiouse was released in 2010 and is certified 12A
Being certified a 12A, the film will/may include moderate physical and psychological threat, moderate violance, and moderate language. However these are not to be dwelled upon and not misused.

Males 37,876 6.8
Females 9,029 6.9
Aged under 18 2,013 7.6
Males under 18 1,394 7.7
Females under 18 604 7.4
Aged 18-29 29,769 6.9
Males Aged 18-29 23,501 6.9
Females Aged 18-29 6,038 7.0
Aged 30-44 13,367 6.6
Males Aged 30-44 11,259 6.6
Females Aged 30-44 1,977 6.6
Aged 45+ 1,932 6.4
Males Aged 45+ 1,545 6.4
Females Aged 45+ 356 6.7
IMDb staff 10 6.1
Top 1000 voters 287 6.5
US users 12,155 6.9
Non-US users 28,651 6.7
IMDb users 49,103 6.8

As you can see, The film 'insidious' got the highest rating from people aged under 18. The film may appeal to them more because of the scary content it includes This atmosphere may appeal to men more than women. Also the film includes a child which is trying to be taken away by demons. Females would probably be more attached to the child as they have a stronger maternal instinct. However the difference between ratings is very little, so the film appeals to both sexes. As age of the audience increased the ratings decreased this may be because the genre may be more realistic and thrilling for the younger people, whereas older people may find it unrealistic and not scary.
Grave Encounters
Grave encounters was released in 2011 and is certified a 15
Being certified a 15, the film will/may include strong violence, sexual activity, nudity in a sexual content, frequent use of strong language and strong threat. However some of these musn't dwell on pain/injury and must not be frequently repeated.

Males 3,845 6.0
Females 797 6.5
Aged under 18 206 7.1
Males under 18 152 7.2
Females under 18 51 6.9
Aged 18-29 3,014 6.4
Males Aged 18-29 2,449 6.3
Females Aged 18-29 533 6.5
Aged 30-44 1,279 5.7
Males Aged 30-44 1,080 5.6
Females Aged 30-44 187 6.3
Aged 45+ 172 4.8
Males Aged 45+ 147 4.7
Females Aged 45+ 22 6.8
Top 1000 voters 48 5.0
US users 767 6.1
Non-US users 3,158 6.0
IMDb users 4,804 6.0

There is a huge difference between the young gender audience and the older gender audience. in the older genders the film appeals to the female audience more than the male. This may be because the older females may get more attached to the younger characters. They are also probably influenced by the film and want to care more. The males probably will not feel this bond with the characters and think that the film is a little bit unrealistic.  For the younger audience the males fount the film more appealing. The film probably appeals more the the younger male generations rather than the older because the film has younger characters (18-25 years of age) included in the film. This means that the under 18 males (and females) will be able to relate to them more.

The Orphanage
The Orphanage was released in 2007 and is a certified 15
Being certified a 15, the film will/may include strong violence, sexual activity, nudity in a sexual content, frequent use of strong language and strong threat. However some of these musn't dwell on pain/injury and must not be frequently repeated.

Overall the films was popular over bother genders and all ages. However there is still a pattern. There are higher Average ratings from audiences under 18. This may because the film doesnt appeal to an older audience as they find it less realistic and boring than a younger audience does. Older females may take the film more seriously as the film contains orphanes and handicapped children which may be more disturbing for them as their maternal instinct is stronger than for males. The film also seemed to appeal more to males under 18. This could also be due to the fact that the film has orphanes and handicapped children in it and females get more attached to these characters and the films becomes unappealing.

Dark Water
Dark Water was released in 2005 and is certified 15
Being certified a 15, the film will/may include strong violence, sexual activity, nudity in a sexual content, frequent use of strong language and strong threat. However some of these musn't dwell on pain/injury and must not be frequently repeated.

Males 18,141 5.5
Females 4,376 5.6
Aged under 18 199 6.1
Males under 18 114 6.0
Females under 18 85 6.3
Aged 18-29 11,619 5.5
Males Aged 18-29 8,930 5.5
Females Aged 18-29 2,623 5.5
Aged 30-44 8,823 5.5
Males Aged 30-44 7,423 5.5
Females Aged 30-44 1,335 5.6
Aged 45+ 1,878 5.7
Males Aged 45+ 1,560 5.7
Females Aged 45+ 300 5.8
Top 1000 voters 464 5.5
US users 6,542 5.4
Non-US users 15,226 5.6
IMDb users 27,035 5.6

From these ratings, it is obvious that the films appealed mostly to an audience of an uge under 18. All of the other ages had a much lower score. This could also be sure to the fact that the theme of the film may feel unrealistic and unenjoyable to an older audience. The film was paerticularly popular with females of this age, this could be because they can relate to the character in the film. Males probably wouldnt make this connection so the film probably wont appeal to them as much.

After looking at a variety of research, i feel that the audience for my films should be 15-18. For starters, most of the films i researched had the age certificate of 15 and the films also got the highest relatings off of males and females under 18. The gender of my target audience will be leaned more to maless, as they seem to take a more of an interest in horror films. However i wont concentrate only on males as i want to have a wide target audience.

1.  To engage our target audience , we used a variety of techniques. We firstly used a wide range of shot types and camera angles to make each frame interesting and give different points of views of the characters/story line.  We also used characters of the same age as our target audience so that they can relate to them and feel the emotions they feel. We took a lot of time preparing the threat so that it looked as scary as possible, and we also made the threat stalk to victim in her own home, which creates insecurity. All of these factors will create a horror film atmosphere, this will contribute to the audiences' enjoyment of the film. An audience watches a horror film of my sub genre for the atmosphere it creates. The conventions such as pop outs and the thrill of watching it. 

2. We targeted a particular age of target audience by using a victim of the same age. The audience will be able to relate to them and share the emotions that they have. We also used a young female so that if an older audience is watching (especially females) will feel a maternal instinct of caring for her. 

3. In the sub genre 'ghost/demand' usually the paranormal activity happens in the victims home, this creates insecurity for the audience. We used just a normal house for the location, and a field for some of the titles. We also used a mac book, bottle of bear and an iphone. As these are some of the things that our target audience of teenagers can relate to. It also creates insecurity for the audience as all of the scary things that happen, happen in just an ordinary girls house.

4. Both our threat and victim are young and female. The victim is just a normal young girl who's invited some friends over because her mom went out. This is something that the target audience can relate to as teenagers often do this. The threat is wearing white and is also female, so the audience would think that she is innocent. we challenged the conventions of horror films with this. 

5. Our title sequence uses a wide variety of images to engage the audience. An example of this is when a dirty, pale hand with satanic symbols on it is scribbling out what seems to be a childs drawing of a family. This makes the audience interested and a little creeped out as they can recognise that the symbols are not normal and are satanic. This establishes that the genre of the film is ghost/demand and the audience will want to see more. We also used a clip of the same hand scribbling out baby photos and writing 'die', the audience will see its the same hand and will be even more interested on what this person is doing and why. 

6. Our music uses a heart beat to resemble the heart beat of the audience, this will create tension and atmosphere. We also used an organ type sound to create a low pitched creepy sound. This all contributes to the suspense of the film and also sends chills down the audiences spine, this is what will engage them. We also used a heart beat on particular points of the film to also create suspense.

7. Our feedback from the class was overall very good. The class thought we had a good variation of shot types and angles. They also said that we has good continuity and the pace was good, it flowed and wasn't shifty. For mise-en-scene,  we got good comments on the makeup of the threat aswell as a good use of location. Most said that the sound was creepy and was good effect, however one said that it could have been better. The class said that the costume and titles are what attracted them to my film the most and they said that they would wan t to watch the rest of the film as they want to see what happens. One of the main criticisms of our film was that the ending could have been abit better, throughout the film so much tension is built and the ending was a little bit tame. Overall the film scared the audience and they fount it creepy.

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