Wednesday 25 April 2012

Question 3 - Reflective Evaluation - Kristy Simpson

Ditribution is the way in which you get your product to your target audience. A few ways in which a film company might distribute their products, their films, is through trailers, merchandise and posters. 

Hammer is an independent film production company, they launched back in 1934.
They produce horror films. Here are a few of the films they have produced/co-produced:
o      The Brides of Dracula
o      The Curse of Frankenstein
o      The Woman in Black
o      Let Me In
o      Wake Wood
o      The Resident
And many more well known titles.

From the woman in Black trailer, although hammer is an independent film company, we can see that they are quite a big company, handling such a big film and a big star like Daniel Radcliffe.
The Woman in Black was distributed in a variety of ways. They used posters, trailers and, as we can see from the trailer, it had its own website and twitter. They captured many different audiences using these different varieties of ways to distribute the film.


Fantastic Films
Fantastic Films is an independent film company developed in 2000.
They mainly focus on horror, comedy, thriller and action films. Here are a few of their films they have produced/co-produced:
o      Outcast
o      Wake Wood
o      48 Angels
o      Prey Alone
o      Six Shooter
o      Wilderness

And many more films.

This trailer for Wake Wood is very low quality and boring, possibly a low budget film. You can tell it is more of a low budget company.

Black and Blue films are not so well known and are targeted at a more niche audience. They distribute their films through trailers and posters.


Lionsgate is an American major entertainment company founded in 1986.
It has produced/co-produced films such as:
o      Safe
o      Cabin in the Woods
o      The Hunger Games
o      The Pursuit
o      The Haunting in Connecticut
Lots of big titles!

As you can see from this trailer, this is definitely a major film company! It is very professional and of a high quality and I imagine they have larger budgets than independent labels.


I think an independent label might distribute our film because it wouldn’t require a high budget. Also the storyline is quite risky because it is so similar to other media products such as The Ring and The Grudge, which is probably not something a major film label, would go for even though it wouldn’t be a majorly costly risk. I think our film would require a lot of promotion and different more creative ways to get it seen such as pop-ups when you go on certain sites on the internet etc, which would be easier for a major label to provide. 

So although many film companies use the same distribution methods we can see the quality is completely different.


Here is the promotional Poster I have created for our film; I used Photoshop to make it. I think you can tell just the right information from our poster without ruining the storyline. It is clear that the character in the poster is the threat because of the dark lighting and also the fact that she is staring at you in a cynical way.  It doesn’t give much away about the storyline or the other characters, which is what I wanted. I wanted the target audience to see the poster and think “that looks scary” and want to find out what happens next.

I got my inspiration from these posters, The Grudge and Mirrors.
These posters are very simple but convey their horror message; sometimes you don’t need a lot of information. 
I liked the way the threats were in the background surrounded by darkness, I used this idea for my own poster. The darkness in the background symbolizes the evil that surrounds the threat. Also mystery and fear because the audience can’t see anything and bad things happen in the dark.
The threats are looking towards the camera so when the audience look at it, they will feel like the threat is looking at them. I also used this technique because I thought it would unnerve the audience. 


Diary Of Dates Of Release

30th May – Trailer is released online. It is accessible over websites such as youtube.
4th June – Trailer is released on TV, plays in the adverts and also plays adverts on popular websites such as facebook and youtube.
9th June – London premiere
10th June – Released in cinemas in the UK
16th June – Premieres in New York
17th June – Released in a limited number of cinemas in the US, mainly New York and other big cities.
3rd August – DVD release in the UK, released into a limited amount of shops but made available mainly to buy online
10th August – DVD Release in the US, released into a limited amount of shops but made available mainly to buy online

Our film was aimed at teenagers so we would want our posters to be somewhere teenagers access regularly.
Teenagers go to college so we could have our poster inside of college and on the buses. Also in cinemas so that cinema goers will see it.
We would have our trailer posted across popular social sites such as facebook and twitter, although the advertising will cost alot we could start groups and get a fan base going and promote our film though them, get them to tell their friends etc.

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