Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 3 - Distribution

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This is my film poster I created:

These posters have inspired me whilst creating mine

This poster for the Ring 2 inspired me because the threat is very similar and the writing is creepy, the threat isn't very clear either leaving a sense of the unknown which will make the audience wonder about the threat.

This poster for The Grudge also inspired me because i like the close up of the threat, even though my poster is a long shot and you can see the whole of the threat, the hair and the writing are similar to those on my poster.

Release diary :

September - release trailer onto all main channels on television and before similar films in the cinema so it will get publicity in time for halloween.
October - release into main cinemas across the UK mid - october. Halloween is a perfect time for a horror film to be released into cinemas as this is the peak time when people watch horror films and so will bring in a fair amount of money.
November - film no longer available in cinemas but an advert is released advertising it on DVD in december.
December - film comes out on DVD in time for christmas so this will bring in a lot of money from christmas sales.

Advertisement campaign :
The sample poster will appear on bus stops, on the side of buses, on billboards, on telephone boxes, in cinemas etc. Any place which will be seen by a lot of people, so especially in town centers.
The trailer will be released in september onto television channels and into the cinema before similar films. It will also be available on the internet before anywhere else, giving people an exclusive look at the film.

Similar film trailers:
The Ring - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs_TFlTETH0

The Grudge - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_1ypNaIRHI

Production Logos

This is our production logo we created on photoshop:


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