Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 2 - Representation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The representation of social groups is important in our media product as we want to appeal to a high number of audiences. In the clip I have posted, which is from ‘The Ring’ the threat is a girl who has had a horrible past which the people in the film need to discover. The victims in the clip above are two teenage girls. They follow conventions of teenage girls talking about boys and gossiping. In the clip above we do not see the threat because she comes into the film later on. She is thought to be a young girl that wants revenge. They follow stereotypes of teenage girls where the victims are concerned however it could also challenge stereotypes in terms of the threat as young girls are not thought to ber vulnerable not killers.  

Link for The Ring trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e4DBZ_eeGg
This is a picture of the threat in The Ring:

Somebody Help Me is a film which can relate to the representation of different races. The ways in this film that show racial stereotypes are through the use of mise-en-scene and sound. For example the clothing used is very casual which you would expect of young teenage boys who are of a African-Carribbean race. The dialouge also helps to show how this film conforms to racial steretypes - the language used is colloquial, showing how they speak within their race. They are teenagers and as they are young they are seen as vulnerable. The threat is again, a young girl.

Link for Somebody Help Me trailer : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0499573/ 

Test shot:

This is the actor we have used as our threat. we chose this actor as she is part of our group and so we know she would be reliable. in relation to the conventions of a ghost horror film, we were able to make her look like a frightening threat with the use of make-up and a wig. The dark wig covered a lot of her face, just like in the ring. We used white body paint to make her look pale, and eyeshadows were used to create bruises and give her a dark look around her eyes. we followed the conventions of a ghost horror film when creating our threat.

This is a spider diagram I did listing the conventions of the ghost horror film genre:

In reference to our storyboard (posted below) we have followed the conventions as much as we could, considering this is just the beginning of our film. For example, when the young girls mum leaves the house we can hear the threat outside in the bushes, following the convention that the threat can be implied, not shown. The young girl is also in an inescapable environment when she is trapped in her room at the end. The make-up is the convention which we have followed mostly, making sure out threat is convincing and would frighten the audience. Our target audience research shows that we haven't been too specific with our social groups as we want to appeal to a wider audience, however it is aimed at young adults, over the age of 15 as this is the rating of our film. We want to appeal to both genders and any race. We thought that the story line wouldn't be specifically fit for one social group, but to many.


In our film, there is a sequence where the young girl helps herself to a beer and rings her friend telling her to come round because her mum has just gone out. This is showing that teenagers are rebelious as she wouldnt have done this if her mum was in. This could also relate to gender - girls are seen as more vulnerable than boys which is why she may have rang her friend to come round so she is not by herself. In comparsion to our film, The Ring also shows both the same stereotypes from our film. 2 teenage girls are home alone and talking about boys and gossiping which conforms to female stereotypes. In both films the girls are vulnerable and trapped inside their houses when the threat is established. We have created representation by following stereotypes linked with the social group in our film - teenage girls. We have shown her being vulnerable when the lights go out so she cannot see what might be in darkness. We have also represented her as being rebelious, and doing things she wouldn't usually with her mum around. 


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