Monday 9 January 2012

Title sequences from our sub-genre - Jess

The Ring

The ring is our inspiration for our film so looking at the title sequence can help to give us some ideas/develop our ideas. The fact that it keeps showing a circle relates to the storyline which is what we have tried to do with our idea of the baby pictures and the girl in the woods. the names come up in a white font and the text is shaky and zooms in quickly and then back out. With the text in our film, its going to be on a dark screen, as in the ring however the text itself will be oozing across the screen to represent blood. the visuals in between the names are things such as blood dropping into a glass of water, the shadow of a chair spinning and a dark frosty woods. we are also using woods in our opening sequence, to help to show the past of the character. I think that our opening sequence will be similar to the one in the ring however we will not have as much time so ours will be shorter and stick to the point.

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