Monday 9 January 2012

Seven title sequence - Jess

The font used in this opening title sequence, is mostly in capitals but the names of the actors is in scrawly writing it flashes on screen and zooms in and out, as in the ring. The visuals used mainly consist of the character writing, sewing and cutting things out. This makes the audience wonder why he is doing this, maybe he is a journalist of some sort or is trying to work a code out. Seeing this gives a sense of character - maybe the visuals will relate to the past of the character or the storyline of the film.
In our film we are following a similar outline - showing flicks of the past of the character. We will establish our character in the same kind of way, not seeing the whole of the character now, only its hands now but its full body when it was younger. The audience have to keep watching to find out what the character is like now, and why.

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