Wednesday 18 January 2012

Art Of The Title - True Blood - Kristy Simpson

This opening sequence doesn't directly suggest that vampires are involved but from the images we can interpret meanings.
It starts with a swamp theme. Swamps are quite eerie, mysterious and generally unpleasant. To me the swamp reminds me of death because it's dark and desolate, where the vampires could hide their victims.
The wooden houses show that the town is old fashioned and in a rural area, probably not another town for miles so it is cut off from the more developed world.
The choir of women symbolise religion, also footage of a sign which says "god hates fangs" directly suggests that vampires are involved and they are known to the world. The young white children in pointy hats represent the KKK, which shows their will be racism. All these things happened in the past so we get the idea that True Blood is set in the past.
There is a small section where we see a snake strinking something, but we don't see what. This represents prey and danger. This could directly represent a vampire because a vampire is the prey and will strike its victims.
The child eating strawberries also symbolizes the vampire because he gets it all around his mouth and licks it, it looks lke blood.
There are some nude scenes in the opening sequence which suggests that there will be sexual scenes.

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