Monday 5 March 2012

Production Logo Analysis

The layout of this logo is simple, there is a picture in the background with the writing on top. 

The font looks as if it is melting/dripping down. It reminds me of blood, especially with the colour being red.

The colours of the background picture are very dull which makes the bright red writing stand out more. The dark, dull colours are used to show you how eerie the image is. The bright red is used to represent danger or maybe even blood, these conventions fit with a horror theme.

The framing of the image is used to emphasize the fact the castle on the hill is very lonely as it doesn't just show you the castle but shows you the landscapes all around it, giving you a sense of location.

I think the writing, the font, is more of an icon then the background image because the image in the background is so common and conforms to the horror conventions.

The logo sets the tone for a horror film because of the different aspects, the font, colours and pictures. The picture in the background is of an isolated castle on a hill surrounded by woods full of dead trees. They create a horror mood because the dead trees symbolize that nothing is alive, also the branches are very spiky and could mean danger. The castle on the hill is very lonely and high up, we can't see how you would get out from up there, so it represents a theme of entrapment.These images fit in with the generic conventions of horror.


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